Giving Tuesday Raises $155,000+ for the Fund for St. Francis

The Terrier family once again demonstrated its Franciscan values of kindness and generosity, coming together to raise more than $155,000 for St. Francis College for this year’s December 1st Giving Tuesday campaign.

As of December 4th, 2020, more than 175 Giving Tuesday donors (known as “believers”) provided $159,532.13 for the Fund for St. Francis, the College’s annual fundraising campaign. The money goes towards SFC’s operating costs, helping bridge the gap between tuition dollars collected and the expenses required to run the College each year.

Among the Giving Tuesday believers are two anonymous alumni who matched gifts up to $50,000 total. A legacy contribution from John “Jack” Jordan ’59 stewarded and shared by his family turned that from a 2-1 match to a 3-1 match.

“Thank you is never enough for our believers, who continue to lend their helping hands during this most challenging time,” said Kristen Anderson, SFC’s Director of Engagement and Annual Giving. “The altruism of our community ensures we support Terriers we serve and those who follow. We are humbly grateful to all those who gave and continue to give.”

On Giving Tuesday, St. Francis College also announced four students who each received $1,000 as winners of the Investors Bank Service Award in recognition of their selfless service to the College community and others. They are:

  • Amr Eldesouky ’22
  • AnnaMaria Leal ’21
  • Valentina Papeo ’21
  • Tehilla Seuraj ’24

Giving Tuesday is an annual, global movement created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has inspired hundreds of millions of people to celebrate and champion philanthropic generosity around the world. 2020 marks the sixth year St. Francis College has taken part. The College set a goal to raise at least $155,000 this year.

Those who want to donate can still do so at